Teaching children and teens how to wear the Armor of God, as taught by Apostle Paul in his letter to the Ephesians, can empower and inspire them even in their writing. The ideas in this Armor of God post can be used in homeschool co-ops, Christian school classes, Christian youth groups, and Sunday schools. An object lesson, writing prompt, and links to two video clips for song and motivation are included, along with other writing suggestions, flagged by Writing for Students. Paul was in prison when he wrote about the Armor of God. He had suffered many confrontations and attacks throughout his ministry, that would make anyone want armor at least as good as the Romans wore back then. But what did Paul emphasize by wearing the Armor of God? STAND FIRM! How? IN GOD’S STRENGTH In fact, this is what all Christians are to do when facing all kinds of evil including spiritual darkness. Boldness is overcoming fear and being courageous to do what is right. So, let’s check out this royal armor…from Ephesians chapter six. 1. The Belt of Truth Each Roman soldier wore a strong, wide belt for protection and to hold armor in place, including a sword. When we make sure our belt of truth is on tightly, we are saying we believe God’s truth never changes and we TRUST God. We are surrounding our very core with the assurance of God’s almighty power. Writing for Students Every day that students study God’s Holy Word, they can become strengthened by learning who God is, what He has done, and what He promises to do. Students can be challenged to reflect daily on what they learn. Students can be encouraged to keep a journal of God’s truths to help them think about and remember them throughout their days. They can practice praying these promises when they talk to God, by thanking Him for each one. Promises to Boost Your Days-- You are wonderfully made by God. God knows everything and is everywhere. God is powerful, loving, and good. If you believe on Jesus, God is always with you, and NOTHING separates you from God’s love. He has plans for you to do good works. In God’s eyes, you always matter. 2. The Breastplate of Righteousness I’ve never donned a bullet-proof vest, but I can imagine what hope for protection it must give the wearer, especially for one’s heart. As Christians, when we put on the breastplate of righteousness, we are declaring our faith that Jesus died for all our sins, He rose again, and it is through His almighty righteousness that God sees us. We are seen as forgiven, cleansed, through Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice. Jesus covers us through His righteousness. He is our breastplate, protecting our very being. This amazing truth can change our lives and help us sing praises, even in dark, troubling times. Writing for Students Students can write a prayer to ask for God’s help to choose what is right. They can “spell out” all their concerns and then pray while they wait for God’s answers. Then they can write down what they have learned and how this has helped them. It is very wise for them to learn and practice this discipline while they are still young. 3. The Shoes of the Gospel of Peace So, while we are trusting God and His amazing forgiveness, ready to stand firm and be courageous, why does Paul make us sound like we need to be light on our feet? Why the emphasis on peace? Afterall, we are talking about armor. Ah, but this is God’s kingly armor, and Jesus has shown us He came first as the Servant King. Foremost here, Paul wants us to know right down to our toes wondrous peace in our relationship with God, through our very core, our souls and soles and our wriggly feet. That’s how we can stand grounded, while we look heavenward. That’s how Paul says we are to stand firm. It’s with that peace we can “fight” spiritual battles. You are loved by God with a special love. It never ends and can never be taken away. This is PEACE WITH GOD. God wants us to show that peace to others in how we live and what we say. Writing for Students Children and teens can be encouraged to pray to God for Him to show them people in their lives to share God’s peace. They can learn to have peace with others because they have peace with God. Students can write down the names of people in their lives whom they find difficult or challenging to get along with. They can pray about sharing the Good News of Jesus and how He gives peace. I understand this can be challenging enough to want and need to put on the full Armor of God every day. 4. The Shield of Faith Now that our armor reminds us to be completely anchored in God, we live in a world where we all experience being under attack. Roman soldiers used shields to block arrows bursting with fire. We, too, need to wield our shields at any moment when the fiery darts of evil are aimed at us from even unsuspecting sources. What did Paul say would stop those attacks? FAITH Writing for Students Students can make a shield from cardboard and aluminum foil and write these four verses on cards to tape to their shields. They can imagine defending themselves from flaming arrows as they call out in their defense these promises of God’s truths-- I will carry you. (Isaiah 46:4 NIV) I will be with you. (Genesis 31:3 NIV) I will strengthen you. (Isaiah 41:10 NIV) I will give you peace. (Leviticus 26:6 TLB) To encourage your students in their faith, you can tell them that their faith in God and in His Word can protect them from lies all around them. They can choose to have this faith no matter what, because God says His ways for us ARE BEST. God made us, we are valuable, and He showed this great love by sending His son, Jesus, to die for us so we can be saved from our sins by GRACE. Believers can have a friendship with Him. Students’ FAITH will grow as they read the Bible and learn about what God says. 5. The Helmet of Salvation When I was young, there were no bicycle helmets. Ball caps were worn instead. Years before that a young family member died in a motorcycle accident. A helmet could have made all the difference. The helmet of salvation protects the head and mind when we remember to spend time thinking about the importance of our salvation. The moment we believed on Jesus for forgiveness of our sins, we received the most precious gift of salvation. We’ve been saved from eternal punishment of sin and promised to be part of God’s family now and forever. God is with us to help us live His way now and into eternity. Now that’s a helmet packed with cushioned protection! When we put on the helmet of salvation, we can be confident that God is with us and will help us no matter what. When children think about what God has done for them, and what He says in the Bible, they can grow closer to Him. (Author’s note Consider reading our last blog post, for tips on remembering God’s mighty help in our lives. https://www.newsongpress.net/blog/ebenezer-stones-to-see-gods-love-spark-kids-writing.) Writing for Students Students can write key Bible verses and promises and look at them later to remind them what God is like. They can carry cards with them or post them to memorize. This can help them actively choose to think about our marvelous Creator God and what He has done and promises to do. Thinking about the truths of salvation can protect them from being afraid or discouraged. Remembering daily what God has done for them will help them fight temptation, and know they are not alone. 6. The Sword of the Spirit The Bible is the sword of the spirit. When the Bible is read and memorized, God the Holy Spirit will remind us of what the Bible says when we are tempted to sin. “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid.” (Hebrews 13:5b-6a NIV) GOD GIVES VICTORY! God gives us everything we need to stand firm against temptation and WIN. Children and teens can think about the armor, even pretend to put it on, to remind themselves daily whose battles they really fight and how God will help them. Activities for Students Children often like to use motions while they learn. Here's something you can do together, calling out the "battle cries" and pretending to don the Armor of God. “Stand Firm!” Stomp each foot while putting each fist on hip. (Say and do this repeatedly after each time pretending to put on each piece of armor, like a chorus.) “Put on the Belt of Truth!” Pretend to buckle a belt. “Put on the Breastplate of Righteousness!” Cross arms over chest, one at time. “Put on the Shoes of the Gospel of Peace!” Pretend to put on shoes. “Put on the Shield of Faith!” Hold left arm diagonally in front of the body with clenched fist as if holding a shield. “Put on the Helmet of Salvation!” Pretend to put on a helmet. “Put on the Sword of the Spirit!” Put right arm forward like holding a sword. Then put hands together like an open book. Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. (Ephesians 6:10 NIV) Students can pray this memory verse by talking to God about what it says. They can ask God to help them be strong in Him and in the power of His might. Here is an example-- Dear God, help me to be strong in You. Help me not to trust in just my own strength to fight temptation, but to rely on the power of Your might. In Jesus Name. Amen. They can pray for others to be strong in the LORD and pray that God will help us to be strong and stand firm against temptations. (Thank you to Child Evangelism Fellowship’s lessons on the ministry of Paul for these suggestions for motions and praying Scripture.) Armor of God Object LessonMaterial: Clear glass bowl or large jar Water Two oranges Bible
W R I T I N G P R O M P TLast week your parents gave you a gift—the Armor of God. You were excited when you put on each piece as you read Ephesians 6:10-17. Then mysteriously no one else can see the armor even though you know you are wearing it. Because of this, some days you forget to put it on, like yesterday when you agreed to your best friend’s bad plan to solve a problem. Now you are staring at the problem. Your next-door-neighbor keeps his dog on a chain in his backyard. The dog barks and barks and is miserable. He has no shade and no doghouse. Your friend convinced you to steal the dog, although your friend says it’s a rescue. Write a story about what convinces you to put on your full Armor of God and seek God to help you come up with a better plan that involves your best friend and your neighbor. Put a lot of tension in the story. Maybe you set out on a wrong solution first. Use good word choices even in your dialog. Put in some exciting action scenes. Show how you learn and grow in this story and let your Armor of God be very visible to you. Consider using Bible verses such as Psalm 27: 1 and 14. Aim for a great and satisfying ending. Helpful Links![]() Two YouTube Videos CCBC Kids Sing have a fun song with motions for younger children. Armour of God (Ephesians 6:13-18) memory verse song https://youtu.be/Kgu6SpuN_FI?si=ny8U3dBI8JAhFA_T EquippedWithLove has a motivational video that can be good for teens. ARMOR OF GOD and Spiritual Warfare | MOTIVATION https://youtu.be/VQwP7kfQlKs?si=iJh2Ul1G5boHuTzi May you and the young people in your lives be blessed by suiting up with the Armor of God and standing firm in God’s strength, Heidi Vertrees Author/Educator newSongpress.net Copyright 2024, newSongpress (Permission is granted to make copies for teaching purposes.) Editor's Note: Would you like to see more posts to help you teach children and teens how to write, that include a Christian perspective? I invite you to sign up here. newSongpress.net
I also invite you to send comments to www.newsongpress.net/contact.html or on Facebook at Heidi Vertrees Author/Educator, as well as comment here.
January 2025
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